Bong Colorado Springs
Visit any smoke shop in Colorado Springs, CO, and you’ll see bongs or water pipes. They are made from an assortment of materials: bamboo, wood, acrylic, and glass. To seasoned smokers, this device is simple and straightforward. They’ve already mastered every part of it, including how each part works to provide the cool hit smokers get from using a water pipe. But to newbie smokers, bongs remain a mystery. To seasoned smokers and newbies alike, here is more information about bongs that you can use to elevate your smoking experience. Plus, we got some tips on where you can get the best smoking materials around Colorado Springs, CO.

What Is It?
Bongs are filtration devices that you can use when you smoke herbs. They’re intended to cool down the smoke by passing it through water before inhalation for a better and more refreshing smoking experience. Originally, they are made from bamboo material. Over time, we’ve seen more elegant designs. The following are the types of bongs
- Standard – merely uses water to filter the smoke.
- Ice bongs – make smoke cooler to produce a refreshing hit. Ice bongs have a unique fixture within the tube to catch the pieces of melted ice.
- Recyclers- Utilizes a two-chamber mechanism to cool the smoke.
- Percolators- are specialized bongs that provide an added cooling and filtration system in the form of inline, tree, showerhead, and honeycomb-style.

Basic Parts of a Bong
To use a water pipe effectively, one needs to know its parts well. While there are different kinds of water pipes, each having unique features, standard water pipes have similar basic parts. They include:
- Bowl – It is where the herb gets loaded and burned. In most bongs, bowls are detachable.
- Carb – A tiny hole that allows you to clear the smoke entirely off the chamber.
- Downstem – The passageway of the smoke from the bowl to the base.
- Percolators -Aerates the smoke even more.
- Base – Makes the bottom part of the water pipe and comes in many shapes and sizes.

How To Use?
Using a water pipe is easy. There’s no rocket science involved. Experience the benefits of bongs with these easy-to-follow steps. To get you started with your smoking journey using bongs, familiarized these steps:
1) Fill up the water pipe with water – How much water you put into your device depends on your container’s size. Just make sure to fill up the container above the level of the downstem or percolators. If it’s your first time to test which water level works best for you, there’s a test you can do. Fill the container with as much water and start sucking in as hard as you can until the water gets in your mouth. Spit out the excess and do the process again until you can no longer suck in any more water. This becomes the right water level for you. The next time you use your pipe, fill it up to this level.
2) Prepare your dry herbs – There are two ways to prep your herbs, either by crushing them with your fingers or using a herb grinder. The latter is a more efficient means of prepping the herb as it produces a consistent particle size that won’t block your bowl. But be careful not to overground lest the particles become too small, they will pass through the hole in your bowl.
3) Stuff your herb into the bowl – Fill the bowl with your ground herbs with just enough amount so that it’s not too tight and prevent airflow. Begin with a small amount and increase as you experience more smoking sessions.
4) Fire it up – Using your dominant hand, hold the water pipe and put your mouth onto the mouthpiece. Make an airtight seal with your mouth. Light the herbs as you inhale and keep inhaling while lighting the herbs. Stop when you’ve gathered enough smoke for you.
Benefits of Using Water Pipes
Bongs are highly functional devices that do more than just cooling down the smoke. If you’re looking for more reasons to use bongs, here’s a list of the advantages of using this filtration device.
Get smoother hits
Throat irritation is a common side effect of smoking cannabis and other herbs. The hot smoke that passes through the airway causes an unpleasant feeling, which is a downer to starters. Using water pipes solves this trouble. As the smoke cools down, users get a smoother hit.
Filters more harmful particles
Burning produces toxic byproducts that may be cancer-causing, and this is true to smoking. Water pipes significantly filter many of the noxious compounds that would otherwise end up in your lungs. Aside from filtering toxic substances, it also filters combustion byproducts such as tar. Many smokers complain about the unpleasant experience of swallowing tarry particles; by using bongs, the water filters these out so that no ash nor tar enters your mouth and airway. Water pipes with ash-catcher are even better at ensuring a cleaner smoking sesh.
Inhibits the growth of mold and bacteria
Many contaminants are filtered as the smoke passes through water. This includes bacteria and mold. Using water pipes is, therefore, a more hygienic approach to smoking.
Get huge hits
Compared to smoking a rolled weed, using a water pipe produces bigger hits. You can choose to fill in the bowl with smoke before taking one huge hit. But, newbies should start with smaller hits and work their way to bigger ones in time.
Fun and exciting!
Bongs aren’t just efficient devices; they also make a good conversation starter. It makes a great first step to belong in a community of waterpipe users and have fun following pipe trends and styles. Around Colorado Springs, you will find smoking groups and avid water pipe users. Experience belongingness in a close-knit community of smokers in Colorado Springs when you use bongs!
The Best Smoke Shop in Colorado Springs, CO
After learning of the pros of using bongs when smoking your herbs, you’re probably eager to use one. But, where can you get quality bongs around Colorado Springs, CO? Our shop at Colorado Springs, CO, offers the finest quality bongs. We stock a wide array of bongs made from different materials. We are the best smoke shop around Colorado Springs, CO. We guarantee the best shopping experience when you visit our smoke shop. Our products are the best in the industry and come in excellent conditions. If you genuinely want an unmatched smoking experience, head to our Colorado Springs, CO shop and get all the items you need for exciting, fun, and more relaxed smoking sessions.